Shailendra Kashyap

I am an Indian Computer Science Engineer, working in roles such as, Cybersecurity Analyst , Web Developer , & Programmer.

I am known for my work ethics, perfection, discipline and knowledge.

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  "name": "Shailendra Kashyap",
  "occupation": "Cybersecurity Analyst"
                , "Web Developer"
                , "Programmer"
  "available_for_hire:" true 

Technical Skills

Though I can't be the heavens, I will fight the heavens,

And take my fate back into my hands.

I believe, I was at least the sky in my previous life.

Though in this life the sky has burnt down to become SkyAsh.





C Programming

C++ Programming

MatLab Programming



Cyber Security


However, very recently I have come to an understanding that all that has been done by humans, is no doubt can be called miracles from the view-point of others, and from ours. But what the ultimate truth is that we all are still animals. We have our needs, and we still house the instincts of them.


2016 - 2017

CyberSecurity Analyst

I have Worked on Containment, Disinfection & Recovery of Deeply Trojan, Botnets and Virus Infested Systems for small private firm owners.

  • Rooted Android Smartphones to Achieve Granular Control.
  • And removed all the virus infested apps the even system apps were infected.
  • After the removal, they were not in usable condition
  • So I installed some open source, and apps that are secure to use and do not steal personal data.

Social Work

2018 - current

Linux Administrator and Device Recycler

I have also researched on Recycling Old & Decrepit Machines for nearly 2.5 Years, so that they can be used for Education and Computational power needs of people who cannot make ends meet from 2018-19-20.

  • Collected old unusable computers, practically electronic waste or things that people had thrown out.
  • Recycled them by repairing them, learnt computer hardware, soldering and critical thinking.
  • Reduced the Hazardous, Disease causing, Water-Bed polutor ,i.e. Electronic Waste.


So I don't really have a clear plan, in terms of Computer Science field that is changing very fast, as to where I want to head in the future. Be Prepared for anything is the motto I Believe In.

Certifications Projects

IBM Cybersecurity Analyst

IBM DevOps, Cloud and Agile Foundations

Michigan's Web Design for EveryBody

Achieving Personal and Professional Success

Mathematics for Engineers

Services, I Provide

You will be surprised to know my Current Abilities, and Skill-Sets. Including the different certifications I have, of some of the top companies and universities including Meta, IBM, Harvard University, University of Vanderbilt, University of Michigan etc.

  "services": "CyberSecurity Consultation"
              , "Website Design", "Web Hosting"
              , "Server Orchestration", 
              , "Linux Administration"
  "available_for_hire:" true      


However there is something about it that will remain in your mind for a long, long time. Including LinkedIn and GitHub or maybe even YouTube.